Our mission is new technology
trading with Cryptocurrency

Customizable Crypto Watch Lists

Keep track of your own portfolio and monitor over 6,000 coins across 100+ exchanges

Complete Coin Performance Overview

Follow the latest market trends in real-time in one place

Connect Public Addresses

Track your external wallet balances across different blockchains – BTC, ERC20, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and many more

Advanced and Dynamic Charting

Set up technical indicators and conduct market analysis

What say
Our Happy Users

M. Khalam Jo

Other apps require an account to “favorite” cryptos. This one doesn’t. Thank you for respecting my time.

Rk Rahmen

This is one of the best apps when it comes to crypto exchange. Fast, simple and powerful

Powerful Integrations

Our systems pull, inspect and combine data from multiple sources – price aggregators, exchange APIs, news publishers, raw blockchain nodes and more.

Easily access Finixio Wallet
On All Platforms

On your phone, laptop, desktop you are good to go. Access your wallet 24/7 without any restrictions. Finixio Wallet is built for you. easy to use on any platform and any device.